Ralph the Bear’s Ordeals:
An Illustrated Bearmas Reader

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*The PDF download of this book is Free for:

- Children who are enduring physical, emotional or social ordeals
- Their parents and caregivers
- Charitable organizations supporting children with challenges
- Literacy organizations.

Ralph the Bear has to prove to his parents and the Supreme Bear Council he is worthy of being the one special bear for seven year-old SJ Wilcox. She has been diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor and just wants a bear of her own. Ralph, like all bears, has to undergo a series of ordeals to prove he is worthy of SJ. If he succeeds, he is deemed worthy by the Supreme Bear Council and a Bearmas is declared. At the Bearmas Ralph would meet SJ, his very own little girl. This illustrated reader recounts the seven Ordeals of Ralph the Bear as told to seven year old SJ Wilcox by her mother Genevieve and Dr. Hamilton, SJ’s pediatric oncologist. This reader is a companion piece to the novel The First Bearmas also by dhtreichler.

"Five stars to The Illustrated Bearmas Reader. Its richly illustrated pages will bring strength and joy to many children, giving them the ability to withstand medical hardship in the hope of one day celebrating their very own Bearmas." - Publishers Daily Reviews